Wednesday, September 18, 2002

I've decided to invite a few people I know to post on this blog, if the fancy strikes them. I think that the internet's main strength is it's multiple voices all often in accord or disharmony. This cacophony of Points of View is what allows people to make real decisions on the internet. And what distinguishes it from the weaker sources of information:

you know, like books and newspapers, where you just have to take the author's word for it.

I think that the addition of even the possibility of an alternate voice would make any information source stronger, because it makes it that much more trustable. If a person can edit his way to respectability, you've lost a major source of information about the author and the subject.

In accord with this concept, if you want to contact me, or just to post to the blog, or even to contact someone else who posts to this blog, please email " ".

Now, this is just a spamcatcher address, since this is a public blog, but I check it once a day, just put "outlawpoet daily" in the subject line, and I'll read it, i promise.

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