Hooker Heroes
an unusual history lesson from an unabashed advocate of prostitution, Playboy, and... Calorie Restriction? Looks like a dead website, and there's no way to contact the author, but he's interesting, and the history is provocative, if not impressively scholarly.
He's also got an ode to skinny women, extolling pornographic magazines as promoting a healthy, sustainable female form.
Unusual fellow. Surprising what that web throws up sometimes.
Personally, I think that prostitution is greatly marginalized by being illegal, and that the many women and girls (and boys, oh my) that are hurt, socially ostracized, and otherwise badly damaged in that context would be in much better shape if it were a daylight, socially visible activity. The few legal prostitution examples in the first world, as he rightly points out, are strikingly free of disease, victimization, and connection to other crime.
For the feminist and otherwise morally outraged, I can only say that I believe the purpose of a legal system(if it has a purpose) is to protect our rights as individuals. Nothing more.
It falls to morality to influence our choices, not our options.
If you don't like it, don't do it. Try to convince all the peole you care about that it's no good either. If you're right, it'll die a slow death from lack of interest. If not, you didn't have to do it anyway, so why worry?
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