Tuesday, October 08, 2002

Someone asked me recently, if outlawpoet daily represented the quality and nature of my thoughts, if it were a window into my thought life and opinions.


Outlawpoet Daily is a way for me to muse online, and contains a lot of assumptions. An invisible audience is one of them, and I edit accordingly. I also add far more context than I find it neccesary to think about. And finally, sometimes I say or wonder about things that I dont' actually believe, as a method of exploration, or to expand a line of thought that I usually leave unturned.

Plus, I find it more useful to adopt multiple points of view for the purposes of my own edification.

So do not think my play indicates my true nature or opinion. But that shouldn't be the real issue anyway, you should evaluate arguments based on their strength and consistency, not who gives them, or who agrees with them. My presentation of thoughts for your analysis is a gift, perhaps I am right or wrong without being aware. You decide.

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