Wednesday, May 14, 2003

my imminst interview, i finally got a chance to look at it, I come off pretty well, better than I would have expected. Though I sound a little starry-eyed at the end.

I have too much drama still in me from my teen years, I guess. But it's strange to see yourself on someone elses website like that, it makes one think of social rank, and dream of selecting only the very best mates....

I jest, but it is nice to be noticed.

If anyone comes to this lil infrequent blog because of that article, welcome, and sorry i'm not more prolific. If I spent as much time as I liked on any one thing I do, I wouldn't get anything done.

But, ain't that always the way.

A friend of mine here in Utah says that immortality would be required just to master being human, much less go beyond. I think he's probably right. At least if your immortal you have time to perfect the little things you dream about, like throwing cards like bullseye, or talking in metaphor like Ricky Jay. Of course, Ricky Jay throws cards too. He wrote a book called "throwing cards as a martial art" before his illustrious career as an actor.

For those of you still wondering what the hell I'm talking about, google: ricky jay, actor, stage magician, or throwing cards.

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