Monday, September 24, 2007

Anne Corwin

I have a relative, who is an engineer! Who is also a transhumanist apparently.

Her focus is life extension, which is cool. I wonder how/if she's related to me.


Anne Corwin said...

Hi! I've seen your name around the Internet on transhumanist-related stuff, and was also wondering if we might be related somehow. Do you have any relatives/ancestors in Connecticut, Vermont, or New York? My dad's dad (George Corwin) grew up in Brooklyn, IIRC.

outlawpoet said...

I'm afraid I've not much in the way of genealogy.

Most of my known Corwin relatives live in Michigan and Indiana.

I do know that we can trace directly back to Judge Jonathan Corwin, of Salem who so famously exercised his magisterial powers.

There is a line of Corwins in Arizona, who trace back to Jonathan Corwin, and claim that we go back to Sir Gregory Curwen, of Gresgarth Hall, who fought with Edward I of England at Falkirk. I take my motto from him.

So.. um. I don't know. But it does seem possible!