Monday, February 03, 2003

I haven't posted in a month and one day. been very busy and especially constructive. Mad Scientist Magazine now has three volunteers, and is accruing content. Also, I've organized a company to keep track of my contract work. It's called CustomJobz, and the website will be up soon. at, predictably,

By no means does this mean my financial house of cards is rebuilt. Nay, I am still in the throes of monetary agony, and won't be in the positive column for some time. You can be sure to know when it's all solved because my first act of solvency(after new food) will be to bring my good friend Eliezer up to SLC. I owe him a visit and a donation to his org, the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence.

You should donate too.

Also, on the table is of course, FLENSER. He's coming along nicely, with this modular weapon system all designed, and a basic module interface worked out. It's too bad BattleBots has pussy rules like 'no projectiles', 'no acids', 'no electrical arc weapons' and such, because I've come up with all sorts of illegal weapon modules. I guess they'll have to wait for the revolution to see their day in the sun. :-)

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