Monday, February 03, 2003

programming taking a larger role in my life, I've decided to devote some time to exploratory programming. Specifically I plan to port CopyCat to Python, if possible, as I think Python is both easier to play with, and it's the only language I could concievably do so without hurting my brain. I'm also emailing Douglas Lenat to ask about Eurisko. If there is a reason he doesn't want Eurisko available, that's fine, but if he'd release a version of it, hackers across the world would have a beautiful new concept to play with. It would also make a fine project to port to Python.

I have to admit, this plan is in the very early stages, and may change substantially. But It seems a worthwhile and useful endeavor to add to my list of activities.

. . Which, to be vain, include...:

:Writing a short film script

:Producing and Directing said script

:Organizing a Company

:Applying for licenses and taxy things for said company

:Working towards a new fitness goal(an hour a day, optimum

:Programmatic Study(application, languages)

:Math Study

:Girlfriend Time(very important)

:Money Time(money is unpleasant and unhelpful, down with capitalism)

:Art Time(must learn to draw better)

:Food Time(but enjoyable)

:Downtime(this largely consists of books and games to keep my head from exploding)

And blogging, to organize and analyze my life. :-)

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