Monday, September 23, 2002

Once more into the breach, as the internet has not yet been restored to my household.

The wonder of the Library is that it's almost free. What you give up, is privacy and a little bit of pride. It's always amusing to see the difference between Barnes & Noble, with it's pristine carpets, new books, wide selection, designer coffee, and the Public Library, with it's dingy carpets,unilluminating help, and ratty reference section. The Library can sometimes have works the store does not, but the funding tends to even it out a little bit.

The perfect marriage between these is the University Library. With the mandate to support their local scholars, a budget to match, and the subscriptions to research periodicals a mad scientist can envy, the University Library is a much more pleasant place to steal internet access, and get a little real-worldish research in. It's sad that when I was a child, my mother was always telling me to get my face out of the book and join the real world. Now I see books, and think of them as more real than where I usually am.

In other news, a recent brush with the MAN has given me a new respect for the powers that be. In respect for that, I've upped my PGP Key size, and renewed my CCW. Kidding aside, I would like to say one thing. It is a dangerous thing when people need not take responsibility for their actions personally. Hierarchy and impersonal organizations allow one to "just follow orders" or be "defending the country". As Bertrand Russel once observed "murder is against the law everywhere, unless it is in large numbers to the sound of trumpets and flags.". Be wary of allowing someone to do for a government or organization, what you could not concience allowing him to do for himself. For he is still doing it, in his name's or another.

That said, lets all be grateful that we have come so far, and improved upon our ancestral situation. To Past Improvement be grateful, and to Future Improvement be helpful.

here are some informational sites I recommend unto you.

Anarchy has come along way, and now, it almost makes sense: The Anarchist FAQ

Some people look past national borders, and try to help or hurt the world. You be the judge if they are succeeding, and at what. United Nations Organization

There are only two things that run the world. Money and Technology.

Be good.

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