Thursday, September 19, 2002

Today, my cable internet is again fritzing, So I hail from the wonder of the public Library. Now, as much as I love the internet, I'm not sure it will replace the lovely ambience inherent in stacks and stacks of books. The problem, is that it's lovely if you know where your desired information is. But if you're searching for information in a library, why it's the most frustrating thing in the world. By the end of your search for a decent book, you're making plans to forcibly install a Google interface.

But it's not all bad. Being a physical person, there has always been something reassuring about the weight and heft of a book in my hands. Unfortunately, there are still many books, and references that haven't been made free to the world yet. And in some cases, the Library is the only place to find them(without purchasing, which everyone can't do).

In more outside news, the force of nature that is Sprint PCS has debuted their 3rd Generation cellular network. For those of us who have been waiting for cellular internet connectivity, this is a big step. Unfortunately, the 3G protocol is not yet fully supported by Sprint's Network, so the latency, and bandwidth available is dissapointing to say the least. But the protocol is capable of DSL line speeds, and price/performance will improve as time goes on. For those of us who have been dabbling in Wearable Computing, this is hot stuff.

On a more personal note, I've been drawing a lot lately, and am going to be launching an artistic online venture(read: webcomic). This will be some time in coming online, but I've got a great deal of groundwork already laid. This project will most likely be hosted by Keenspace unless I can find an alternate vendor. Seeing as I have not been honing my writing talents as much as my artistic, I have secured a scriptwriter, and am looking for perhaps a colorer as well.

Stay Sharp. Here's a site everyone should be familiar with CiteSeer This is one of the most useful research sites on the Web. I put it right next to Google on my custom homepage.

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